Monday, September 10, 2012

How to reuse kid's workbooks

If you are like me and always looking for ways to save money, you will appreciate this tip. I am homeschooling my preschooler this year, and school supplies and curriculum are not cheap at all! I got a really great workbook for my preschooler but it was $6 and she goes through the activities so fast. Her little sister always wants to participate as well, but being two she isn't quite at the preschool comprehension level. I figured out a way to use the worksheets over and over. Now the girls can color until thier heart is content, take turns doing the same activities, and I only had to purchase one workbook.

You will need page protecters, a three ring binder and a workbook you want to reuse.

If the book is stapled, go to the middle and undo the staples. I was lucky with this one, it easily came apart. If it's not stapled you can tear or cut the pages out.

Insert the pages into page protecters.
Organize into a three ring binder and wa-la!
You can use dry erase markers or crayons to write with, just remember to wipe off when you are done.

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