Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Blended Family

Today is National Stepfamily Day. It's a day for blended families to celebrate each other. What is a blended family? It's a family consisting of a couple and their children from this and all previous relationships. Our family is very special. As I'm sure you've noticed, the title of my blog is Yours, Mine and Ours. (By the way that's a good, old family movie, you should watch it sometime). I named it this because we have my husband's 4 boys from his previous marriage, my daughter from my previous marriage and we have a daughter together. See?...Yours, Mine and Ours!
Having a blended family is not always easy. Especially for a stepmom. There is already that bad stereotype, like you know, in Cinderella? And then you have to deal with difficult people who are jealous you are with their ex, or jealous you get to spend time with "their" kids or even just mad that you are happy. The worst is when you are stuck with a birth mom who won't acknowledge you exist which makes it impossible to parent the kids in the best way possible. It really hurts the kids when a mom does that. Or in a situation, where your step kids are told lies about you, and constantly have to listen to trash talk about you.
Thankfully, my boys know ME, know how I act, know how I treat them and most importantly know the TRUTH. No trash talking, or lies, or threats will ever be able to break the special bond I've developed with our boys. Sadly, the goodbyes get harder and harder every time, as we learn more about each other and our love grows.
I do want to take a minute to thank my husband's ex-wife. Wait...what? Thank her? Yep, that's right, thank her for several reasons.
Thank you for divorcing your husband so I could have a Prince in cammies.
Thank you for letting this hardworking, faithful man slip away and fall into my arms.
Because of this, we have the most beautiful, smart little girl together.
Thanks for giving birth to 3 amazing little boys.
I didn't have to go through the pain of labor but get to take part in the joys of their lives.
Thanks for letting me have the pleasure of teaching Aaron how to cook.
Thanks for letting me have the pleasure of teaching Josiah how to clean up.
Thanks for letting me have the pleasure of teaching Conner life lessons.
Most of all thank you for showing me exactly the kind of person I never want to be.


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