Sunday, March 24, 2013

Metabolism Boosting Apple Cinnamon Water

Here's another metabolism boosting drink. I believe the secret behind this is the fact that replacing all your normal beverages (coffee, tea, soda, crystal light, gatorade) with this cuts out a lot of calories. And of course the simple act of drinking lots of water will cause weight loss.

Apples- contain antioxidants, boost your immune system (with an antioxidant called quercitin), high in fiber. According to the USDA the most beneficial apples are Red Delicious and Granny Smith.

Cinnamon- shown to reduce cytokines linked to arthritic pain, has natural anti-infectious compounds, and can also reduce inflammation.

I use a gallon jug and add 2 sticks of cinnamon (washed) and 2 apples thinly sliced (also washed and scrubbed) Place in the bottom fill with water and place in fridge.

If you drink right away it may taste like slightly dirty water. You will get best results if you let it steep for 8 hours. You can also leave out in the sun (like tea) to steep faster and drink within a few hours with some ice. Toss apples when they turn brown or start looking mushy. I've found the cinnamon sticks can last for at least two jugs.

Want to try another detox/fitness water drink? Click Here

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