
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Review-Yochi Shoes

I was contacted by Yochi Shoes to review their line of cute kids shoes. We were sent a pair of Panda shoes in a size 9. You can find the exact shoe here Princess Sakura Shoes. When we got the package they were carefully wrapped in a cloth bag like designer shoes.

We got the size 9 and it was an exact fit for my daughter. She was so excited to try them on!

Think these are just a regular pair of cute kids shoes? Guess again! I found out that these shoes have squeakers in them! My daughter had so much fun running around the house, squeaking with every step! Worried about a little one toddling off in a busy place? No chance of getting lost with these shoes, plus you don't have to worry about those weird leashes!

The shoes have a Velcro closure so Serenity can put them on all by herself. No ties required! They are also made from high quality nylon and very comfy.

I am now going to have to order a second pair of shoes for my younger daughter, they were such a big hit and now she is super jealous!

Besides shoes for both sexes, Yochi also carries adorable socks with rattles for both baby boys and girls!

Want a pair for your little one? Check out Yochi Yochi website at
They also have a facebook page, be sure to like them!

*All opinions are my own, post was compensated by free product*

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