
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Recycling cans into pretty containers

We love to do crafts at our house, and as a result we have lots of art/craft supplies. Currently they are a bit out of control. I'm working on getting them organized, but at the moment there is no money in our budget for new organizers. The girl's markers were in a big ziplock bag and they were were constantly fighting over the bag. The markers would also tend to roll out of the bag, off the table and onto the floor making a big mess. I found a tin that was the perfect size for thier tall markers.

 I took a sheet of artsy scrapbook paper and used spray adhesive to glue it to the can. It was very easy and works so much better!

                                Pretty neat huh? Now I'm off to find a can for thier short markers.

1 comment:

  1. These are really great ideas! I know I have tons of recycling cans that I could turn into gorgeous containers. Thanks for the post!
