
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Product Review- Yacon Syrup

Quality Life Essentials sent me this Raw Yacon Syrup. It's made up of 100% pure yacon syrup and serves as a metabolism booster, and an all natural weight loss supplement. It also serves as a natural source of prebiotics.

For all those on diets, it is
-gluten free.

The suggested use is 1tsp 3x daily.

If I were to describe the product, it is brown like mollassas but not thick or bitter. It has a slight coffee flavor and very, very sweet. The more you taste it the better it goes down.

Want to try some for yourself? Go here On Amazon. Or check them out more on Facebook

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Haley's 4th Birthday Party

Haley wanted a Hello Kitty Birthday, we didn't have much money to spend on her party but did a lot of DIY stuff and she loved it.

I got a cupcake stand for cheap and glued these jewels on it. I also got some Hello Kitty sugar pieces at Wal-Mart for like $2. I added them to the chocolate cupcakes we made and it almost looked designer.

So you know how at parties have the yummy party mix called "puppy chow"? We just switched it to "Kitten Chow" and it fit right in.

We got a big bog of twizzlers and named it "Kitten Whiskers". Isn't it cute!

Here is the little set up for the present/favor table. I made these flower balls which have gotten lots of use for birthday parties, photoshoots ect. All the girls had pink princess crowns to wear around for birthday.

We also had a fruit tray, hummas and pretzel crisps, a meat and cheese tray and a veggie tray. For the adults we had sodas and juice boxes for the kids.

We made kitty masks out of paper plates and the girls colored and signed a huge paper for Haley to hang up in her room.

Really the only thing that cost the most was Haley's cake. It was a Hello Kitty small round cake surrounded by pink cupcakes with Hello Kitty rings.(I didn't get a chance to get a really good pic of the cake but it was an ordered cake from Albertson's so not too fancy).

Aren't these girls the cutest!

For party favors I  got a pack of pink bags from the dollar store and we filled it with little toys and candy. I drew eyes on the bags, with a kitty nose cut from foam and whiskers cut from construction paper.

The party was a blast and everyone had fun. And the best thing was Haley was thrilled with everything!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fashion Faux Pas-Prego looking Shirts

Writing this a bit late, but here is you "Fashion Faux Pas" for Friday.

We will be taking a look at those "too big for you", "flowy" "Are you pregnant" shirts.

Some women do have really big boobs so they can kind of get away with it. Still looks preggy though.

Even a skinny model can look preggo if wearing the wrong color or shape. I got this pic from This blog will make you have so much. He says the funniest stuff about the clothes Forever 21 sells. Check it out if you want a good laugh

Wearing baggy pants with a flowy top definitely makes you look preggo.
Here's another site that's hilarious with bad clothing. It's called No More Mom Jeans. The site owner has some good excersize ideas too. Well that's all for today, hope ya'll had a great Friday!