
Monday, September 30, 2013

Disney Quiz

It's Monday night in our new house and I am sure tired of unpacking. We definitely have a lot let stuff than we did we did with our SC to CA. I'm so glad though because it was way easier. I still have like a billion things to sell. Anyway, since I'm slightly bored (my next class starts tomorrow) and I have some spare time I'm going to do a fun little quiz thing.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

[x] You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like.
[] You’ve been lost in the forest.
[x] You love to read.
[] You are not shy at all.
[x] One of your family members is a bit weird.
[x] You have done volunteer work.
[x] You have a wild imagination.
[x] You love to take care of people in need.
[x] You’ve had guys like you only because they think you’re pretty.
[x] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out.
Total: 8

[] You’re an orphaned child or have an evil mother.
[x] You have many different hobbies to keep you busy.
[] You can get really bored.
[x] You have very long hair.
[] Your hair is/was bright blonde.
[x] You’re an artsy person.
[] You’re childish.
[x] You can’t wait to stop the same routine each day and start living.
[x] You care about others and their feelings.
[] You like to follow the rules.
Total: 5

[] You have/had a pet rabbit.
[] You love to play cards.
[] You constantly know the time.
[x] You get yourself in sticky situations.
[x] You have been to a court.
[x] You have fallen asleep while doing your homework.
[] You have had a tea party.
[] You like hats.
[] You’re late.
[] You know how to play croquet.

[] Your dad is rich.
[x] You are very clever.
[] You’ve been with someone way different from you.
[x] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich.
[x] You have set a lot of goals for yourself.
[] You don’t have a lot of (good) friends.
[x] You’re independent.
[] You are wealthy.
[x] Your parents try to control your life.
Total: 5

[x] Your boyfriend/crush is strong.
[x] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before.
[x] You are very convincing.
[x] You have fallen in love before.
[x] You have had your heart broken.
[x] You find an interest in Greek mythology.
[] You lie sometimes.
[x] You pretend to be someone you’re not.
[x] You have been used.
[] Purple is one of your favorite colors.
Total:  8

[x] Your parents expect a lot from you.
[x] You really try to follow the rules, but it’s hard for you.
[x] You’re a bit of a trouble maker.
[x] You love to swim.
[] Your favorite animal is some sort of sea creature.
[x] You collect something.
[x]You have/had long hair.
[x] You are adventurous.
[x] You’re extremely curious.
[] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible.
Total: 8

[x] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents.
[] You almost died at a very young age.
[x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful.
[] You have a decent singing voice.
[x] You like to sleep in late on the weekend.
[] You spend most of your time outside.
[x] You’re adopted.
[x] You’re very romantic.
[] Pink is one of your favorite colors.
Total: 5

[] One of your parents is dead.
[x] You are expected to do a lot of chores.
[x] You love to dress up.
[x] You love animals.
[] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming.
[x] Your mom is really strict.
[] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you.
[] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes.
[x] You have left your shoes at a friend’s house before.
[] You have/had blonde hair.
Total: 5

Snow White
[] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you.
[x] You’ve almost been killed.
[x] You have at least seven good friends.
[x] You’ve had food poisoning.
[] You have/had short hair.
[x] You get along with almost everyone.
[x] All of your friends are different.
[x] You love to have a good time.
[] You’re happier when you’re out of the house than in.
Total: 6

[] You get jealous easily.
[x] You loved your childhood.
[] You like to fly.
[x] You believe in magic.
[x] You’re 5’2” or under.
[] You hate pirates.
[x] You love sparkles.
[x] People underestimate you.|
[x] You get angry easily.
[] You have/had a treehouse.
Total: 6

[x] You love to walk around and explore big cities.
[x] You are more spiritual than religious.
[] You’ve been in an interracial relationship.
[x] One of your family members is dead.
[x] Your parents are very protective of you.
[x] Someone you know has been in the war.
[x] You love nature.
[] You have/had black hair.
[x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful.
[x] You’re very adventurous.
Total: 8

[x] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
[] People wish you could be a bit more girly.
[x] You’ve pretended to be someone you’re not.
[x] You’ve had a physical fight with someone.
[x] You have/had considered running away from home.
[] Your parents try to plan your life o6ut.
[x] A lot of your friends are boys.
[] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations.
[x] You love your family so much that you’d do anything to protect them
Total: 6

Well it looks like I'm tied between Ariel, Pocahontas, Megara and Belle.  Hey what pretty, long red haired girl doesn't want to be Ariel? So since its a tie I'll pic Ariel. I'd be curious to see what answer ya'll get. Take the survey and post your answers here!

Fashion Faux Pas #1-Crocks

Ok so Friday I've decided to do a section called "Fashion Faux Pas." Some of it will be helpful tips but it will mostly be funny, ridiculous outfits and such people decide to wear. Hey, everyone needs a good laugh on a Friday! And if you happen to wear an article of clothing I mention that is ridiculous don't be's all in good fun!

So first I want to blog about Crocks. Not many people even like crocks. At least not the 16-30 year olds.

Lots of Grandma's like them, and they are good for old people to reduce the likelihood of slipping and falling. But if you aren't a way you should be caught dead in them. Ok, ok yeah they are supposedly comfortable to wear but with all those holes, can you imagine the foot order reeking out? That is what they make comfortable, breathable running shoes duh!

Ok I admit it, I do have crock like shoes for my girls. I said crock "like" shoes. They are rubber and easy to get on and off, no Velcro or ties. But you know what? That's ok. They are are 3 and 5. Not a full grown woman in her late 40s. 

So you know what you need to do with these disgusting, fashion betraying crock like wanna bes? Take the and feed the to the gators! Unless of course you want to resemble an old grandma or a kindergarten student. Looks wise you could pass as a grandma but brainwise they would put you right in K-5! Haha!

Moral of the story? Don't wear crocks, crock wanna-bes or crock look alikes. Your rank on the fashion scale with instantly plummet.d

So what are your impressions of crocks?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bridal Shoot

Last week I go to do a really cool and fun photo shoot with a photographer friend of mine. The hubby and I had planned to have a big wedding with lots of family and friends. But we just couldn't seem to save up enough money for it. We ended up having a courthouse wedding in July of last year. It was super short and kind of silly but still sweet because we had all our kids there. We thought about having a big wedding later on and I even found my wedding dress. After lots of deliberation we decide to save the little money we had set aside for a big, fun honeymoon instead. But I still didn't want to just get rid of my dress, it was so freaking pretty! The first wedding anniversary is supposed to be a paper object. Steven gave me a framed love letter/poem. It was so sweet! I was kind of at a loss of what to do but then I got with my photographer friend and we decided to do a bridal shoot. That way I could still have pics in my gorgeous dress, and pictures are technically paper right? So I decided that was my anniversary gift to the hubby.

It was a really fun shoot, I felt so pretty and girly. I did my nails in silver and black skulls (because I'm a rebel like that lol) Since we are both photographers, she gave me all the pics so I could edit some how I liked and she decided to edit some her way too. It was a fun combination. Did I mention she got in the newspaper for best business of our town? Very cool award and I'm pretty lucky to have worked with her. I'm so excited with how the pics came out, they are stunning! (I did a few pics just for hubby's eyes too hehe!)

The pictures have been condensed for uploading so they lost some of the sharpness and clarity but you can still see how well they turned out. Click on the picture for it to expand.

 Can I say again how much I love my dress? It's classy and elegant, yet form fitting, shows off my curves and drop dead sexy!

 My favourite part about this one is that I almost look tall. Would you guess I'm only 5 feet?

 I like this one, it's a real smile not a fake one. I was having a hard time smiling and not looking fake haha! (O and I love my white straight teeth...glad they don't look like a certain someone's meth teeth haha!)
Stephenie said this looks like it came out of a glamor magazine
Look how cool the back is on my dress! I am so in love with it!
This is a tame one, but it's kind of boudoir-ish...I can't show the others in public, hubby's eyes only ;)

This is one Stephenie edited. It looks so vintage and cool. So classy with a hint of edgy, love it! I am so grateful to have been able to work with an awesome photographer. Thank you Stephenie!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Blended Family

Today is National Stepfamily Day. It's a day for blended families to celebrate each other. What is a blended family? It's a family consisting of a couple and their children from this and all previous relationships. Our family is very special. As I'm sure you've noticed, the title of my blog is Yours, Mine and Ours. (By the way that's a good, old family movie, you should watch it sometime). I named it this because we have my husband's 4 boys from his previous marriage, my daughter from my previous marriage and we have a daughter together. See?...Yours, Mine and Ours!
Having a blended family is not always easy. Especially for a stepmom. There is already that bad stereotype, like you know, in Cinderella? And then you have to deal with difficult people who are jealous you are with their ex, or jealous you get to spend time with "their" kids or even just mad that you are happy. The worst is when you are stuck with a birth mom who won't acknowledge you exist which makes it impossible to parent the kids in the best way possible. It really hurts the kids when a mom does that. Or in a situation, where your step kids are told lies about you, and constantly have to listen to trash talk about you.
Thankfully, my boys know ME, know how I act, know how I treat them and most importantly know the TRUTH. No trash talking, or lies, or threats will ever be able to break the special bond I've developed with our boys. Sadly, the goodbyes get harder and harder every time, as we learn more about each other and our love grows.
I do want to take a minute to thank my husband's ex-wife. Wait...what? Thank her? Yep, that's right, thank her for several reasons.
Thank you for divorcing your husband so I could have a Prince in cammies.
Thank you for letting this hardworking, faithful man slip away and fall into my arms.
Because of this, we have the most beautiful, smart little girl together.
Thanks for giving birth to 3 amazing little boys.
I didn't have to go through the pain of labor but get to take part in the joys of their lives.
Thanks for letting me have the pleasure of teaching Aaron how to cook.
Thanks for letting me have the pleasure of teaching Josiah how to clean up.
Thanks for letting me have the pleasure of teaching Conner life lessons.
Most of all thank you for showing me exactly the kind of person I never want to be.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Review-Match DNA Certified Organic Matcha Tea

I was sent this bag of powdered organic match green tea. If you are a green tea drinker, or just a tea drinker in general you need to try this stuff! It's packed full of good stuff for ya!

"One glass of MatchaDNA™ may be the equivalent of 10 glasses of green tea in terms of its nutritional value and antioxidant content." Wow, that's a lot of antioxidants in one glass! The cool thing is the package comes with 34 smaller packets that are easy to open and poor into hot water for a hot glass of tea. I like to sweeten mine with just a bit with sugar. Not into hot tea? Add a packet or even two to a shake. I add one to my vanilla protein shake and although the color looks a bit weird you can barely taste the tea.

Here is a picture of the packet.
 Making hot tea!
The nice thing about this powder (not sure if you can tell by the pic) is that is dissolves easily. I've had trouble with different drink powders clumping on me big time but the matcha tea is very fine and mixes easily. My first taste was earthy before I added the sugar. I got a bit of a minty hint as well. My daughters 3 and 5 also tasted it and said they liked it even though they don't like hot drinks. It does come out pretty green but don't let that scare you away, it isn't Starbucks packed full of calories.
Need a  boost of energy? It will give you a natural kick without the energy drink or coffee "hangover" later.
Want to check out Matcha tea for yourself? Go HERE 
Amazon is also a good place to buy it, they usually have a great deal. Amazon link

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fashion and Makeup by the Husband

My husband got to do my makeup and dress me today. I thought this would be a hilarious post and I would end of looking like a clown but he actually did a great job. Funny thing is I can walk out the door like this!

This is what he could choose from. I did tell him what everything was used for but I didn't tell him how to do it.
The end result. He went for a very natural look. Eyeliner just on the top lid and no eye shadow. Not blended in from face to neck very well but otherwise I'd give it an A.

And this is the outfit he picked out for me. Boring but easy and casual. I'd give it an A too. I had just washed my hair, so he wanted it down and natural. Good job babe!

Have you ever let your husband do your makeup or pick out your clothes? You should sometime its pretty hilarious. If you have, or if you do please send me a link, I'd love to see it!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Hubby!

Well today is a very special day, its my husband's birthday! Birthday's are always the day to celebrate the life of a person and I just want to dedicate this post to the love of my life.

10 Reasons I love him
1. He is ridiculously patient
2. He has a great sense of humor, always knows how to make me smile
3. He is pretty darn handsome! Looks 10 years younger than he is
4. He works hard, at home, at work, at play
5. He has great hygiene, keeps himself shaved and smelling nice
6. He is caring, treats me like a princess
7. He is mentally, emotionally and physically strong
8. He's gentle as a lamb, but still a trained killer.
9. He is a great survivalist. Definitely my first choice for a zombie apocalypse partner!
10. He is one of the most unselfish people I know. He would give you the shirt off his back.
So, a little history on the hubs. (Since this is a public blog I don't want to reveal too much personal info) Basically, around 6 years ago he came home from the war in Iraq to find he had been stripped away of his things, his money and his beautiful children. After coming back from a place where bullets whizzed past your head, people got blown up in front of you and you faced extreme danger every day, only to find you had nothing left...many men would have taken their life. But my husband held on. He stayed alive and sane to be there for his children. If he was gone who would fight for them? I met him a short while later and we fell in love. I am so blessed to have him as mine!
It's not always easy having a blended family, his 4 boys, my girl and our daughter together. There are many challenges, but many joys also. I'm glad to have such a perfect mate by my side as we progress through this journey together. Occasionally, after all the bills are paid for the month we barely have enough food. I've seen him skip meals just so the kids could have full bellies. How many men would do that for their children? Not many. He (and we) continue to fight for our children, meeting near impossible challenges head on. We don't do only free things, don't go on vacations, don't buy anything but necessities but eventually it will be worth it.
Our oldest, Bryan has been with us since we met. He went through some troubled teen years but with Steven's love, guidance and support he made it through high school, got a job and is heading off to Marine Corps boot camp in the near future. All our boys consider Steven their hero, and that makes my heart swell with pride.

Recently, someone called my husband a coward. Of course he just brushed it off, like the easy-going man he is. I on the other hand was infuriated. How could someone call my husband a coward? He has been through wars and seen and experienced things very few people could even imagine. There is not a cowardly bone in his body. But then I got to thinking. This person is just calling names because they are so dissatisfied with their own life and so jealous of the great man Steven is. This person has accomplished nothing in their life, lives off of several baby's daddy's child support checks, collects welfare, lives rent free and has contributed nothing to their family. This person has never had to work, been handed everything on a silver spoon, or played the victim enough to get what they wanted. I then had to just laugh at the accusation. It was just too silly, they wouldn't last an hour in bootcamp, even airforce bootcamp (haha can you tell I'm a Marine brat?) let alone set foot in a combat zone without running home with their tail tucked behind them crying for mommy.
Anyway, I kind of went off on a rabbit trail there. My point being that Steven is one of the greatest people I know and I can't wait until the day where I have enough money to buy him all the nice things he deserves.
Happy Birthday my love, and here's hoping to many more!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Serenity's First Day of School

Wow this post has been long overdue! I've just been physically and emotionally tired lately. I may be getting surgery on my shoulder in the near future...its been giving me terrible pain. I do however have several reviews and a giveaway in the works so stay tuned! Anyway enough about myself.

Serenity is now attending Kindergarten! I cannot believe she has grown so fast. Time just flies by when you have children. She has been excited for while to start school and bugged me almost all of July asking if school was starting yet. We went to her open house the Friday before school started and she got to meet her teacher and see her classroom.

The first day of school I walked her to her class and kind of lingered to make sure she was ok. She told me "Ok mom you can go know, I'll see you later." I have to admit there were a few tears in my eyes as I walked back to my truck.

I realized later after I took this pic that I misspelled Kindergarten lol! I blame it on the emotion of the day haha!

Another funny thing that happened that day was the lunch I sent with her to school. I packed a sandwich, carrot sticks, a juice box, cookies and one of those applesauces that come in a pouch. She came home with the applesauce and I asked her why she didn't eat it. She replied that she was a big girl now and those were for babies. I cracked up but it was also sad because she is so grown up now.

Moms, cherish every minute with your children...they go by so fast!